
Friday 16 December 2016



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while Ben Franklin is remembered as one of the    founding fathers of America his son William Franklin,was a staunch loyalist who was imprisoned during the war and later released as part of a prisoner exchange in this point he moved to a British controlled new york city and became president of the board of associated loyalist  there.he eventually left for Britain,never to return again.needless to say,the relationship between father and son after that had escalated  that they hardly ever contacted each other with Ben Franklin leaving almost nothing has will for him to inherit.


Wednesday 30 November 2016

Starting a new investment

Start making money online fast

A journey of thousand miles begins with a step.
Start a new life, business ,investment today.
Most people think starting a new business is an heinous task ,it is the simplest of all things on earth.
Starting a business may not necessary require huge capital outlay.This kind of business is what I call  the return investment .
This kind of business can generate six figures even seven figures depending on what you put into it.
Without much story let me show you the secret.
The first secret is buying mutual funds in the money market most people may not have heard about the money market;it is a market in which long and short term debt are traded.Money market funds is the mixture of stocks/bonds or bond/stocks /any other security. The advantage of this is  that it offers a low level of risk and your investment is spread on many Portfolios thereby minimizing the level of risk involved.
The second secret is buying shares that are traded on the stock market stock picking involves a very high level of risk and it requires expertise to be able to to pick the right  stock thawould bring considerable returns over time . I categories some stocks nas  dead stocks; they are stocks that will not yeild any dividend overtime you must be able to identify those stocks.another vital point is that you must know when to sell your stock or hold it so as to maximize your profit.
The third is as easy as ABC starting a business:s starting a business is is like making investment is something that will brig profit.

Monday 14 November 2016


An elephant and a dog became pregnant the same time. Three months down the line the dog gave birth to six puppies. six month later the dog was pregnant, and nine months on it gave birth to another  dozen puppies. The trend continued like that.
On the eighteenth month the dog approach the Elephant and said are you sure you are pregnant at all we became pregnant the same day ,I have given birth three times to a dozen puppies and they are now grown up to become big dogs, yet you are still pregnant .whats going on?

The elephant replied there something you don’t know. What am carrying is not a puppy but an Elephant .i only give birth to one in three years when my baby hits the ground ,the earth feels it. When  my baby crosses the road, human beings stop and watch in admiration, what I carry attract and command respect. So what am carrying is mighty and great.

Moral Lesson : Don't loose hope on yourself when you see others achieving great things. Dont ever be envious of them .if you haven’t achieved the way you want it just know that one day you will make it. say to yourself my time is coming, and when it hits the surface of the earth,  people will watch in awe and admiration.

Saturday 15 October 2016

How To Create An Online Business

How To Create And Launch Your Online Business.

Hello are you aware of the fact that ………….
You can make more money and help more people worldwide if you you offered an online coaching program or a digital info products that you can sell on the web.

Very certainly an online business does have higher profits……..and you can reach more people and scale your business faster………
Although it might not be appropriate for everyone.
But I think this is for you if you are an expert ,coach or author who enjoys creating original content, such as writing articles or making videos.
In this write up am going to share with you the secret of creating an online business and how you can package your info products and sell it online.
Bear in mind that the  best online business are the one that address and solve specific problems.

Arise And Stand.

                                                                           STAND UP FOR YOURSELF.

An adage says  life is not a bed of roses, hence life is full of so many challenges ,opportunities and difficulties in which you decide how it affect you.
    In spite of this you have to stand up for yourself in so as to be successful in the journey ahead of you. if you think that you have money, connection, affluence and you think that you are to have a smooth life, I want to tell you it is not so.
    Hence you are the architect of your life by giving the best to everything you do, wherever you find yourself.
Standing up for yourself simply means becoming the driver of your life to its desired destination, you need to determine what motivates and propel you to achieve your desired dream. Therefore You don’t depend on anybody for your success or the government, or some kind of privilege or luck.

So to achieve your desired dream you need to you must be able to control the 
movement of your life through having.

By working with the set of  variables you determine the level at which you are motivated. Through strategic planning and a strict follow up process.

NOTE: Your parent has brought you into this world and there is little or nothing they can do to guarantee you a life well spent.
So what should we say about the government, in which they a they’re for their own selfish interest not minding the masses who voted them in.
Hence, my Dear readers I encourage you to get motivate about life, don’t lose hope, keep your dreams alive, STAND UP AND STAND STRAIGHT FOR YOUR SELF.
Note this ‘nobody can stand up for you at all times than you’ as you are aware that this life is full of ups and downs hills and valleys so Hold on and Stand Up For Yourself.

Wednesday 24 August 2016


And this is what we call creative imagination although we all have this potential just few discover and  use it.
Let's support this young talented people by sharing this post.
God bless.

Monday 22 August 2016

Top 3 Books recommended by Bill Gates

3 books Bill Gates recommends to make you a better entrepreneur

Bill Gates estimates that he reads about 50 books a year, and the best of these are profiled on his blog, Even if his Microsoft days are over, Gates is not losing interest in business anytime soon, and he reviewed many books that can help entrepreneurs and business leaders achieve success.
While most books on his website would provide value to the inquisitive mind, these nine books provide the most direct, actionable advice for starting, growing, and running a world-class business.

  1. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Carol Dweck)
Mindset explores the concept of nature versus nurture as it applies to intelligence, and challenges the idea that the talents and qualities we are born with cannot be altered. Instead, she argues that intelligence can be grown like a muscle, and cautions that the belief of static intelligence can be debilitating.
This book helps to dispel the belief that you can’t achieve success unless you are born “special,” unless you have some magical inborn ability to be great. It is a great motivator, and helps put the rest of this list in context.
In Gates’s opinion, “the greatest virtue of the book is that you can’t help but ask yourself things like, ‘Which areas have I always looked at through a fixed-mindset lens?’” Once you know, you can change your way of thinking to become more productive.

  1. Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation (Steven Johnson)
Johnson’s book provides a much-needed perspective on innovation and entrepreneurship, acknowledging a more realistic view of how even the largest breakthroughs come to be. Gates praises the book’s focus on incremental development, and admits that Microsoft wasn’t the result of “a momentous flash of insight.” Innovation takes time, but all too often, the story demands entertainment, drama, larger-than-life characters. But contrary to popular representation, most big companies are not the result of a House-like moment, where one sentence triggers a brilliant revelation.
Where Good Ideas Come From is a great book for the entrepreneur, not only because it brings the story of innovation down to earth, but also because it examines the kind of conditions that foster development. With this book in hand, you can help shape the conditions that are conducive to success.

  1. Business Adventures (John Brooks)
If Bill Gates recommends a business book, there’s a pretty good chance it’s worth checking out. If Bill Gates and Warren Buffett lavish praise on a book, the real question is why you don’t already have your credit card out.
Business Adventures consists of a series of case studies, examining troubles and triumphs at companies such as General Electric, Ford, and Xerox. It provides a great view on the human factor of successful companies: Do you have the right people? Do they have the right roles?
“Business Adventures is as much about the strengths and weaknesses of leaders in challenging circumstances as it is about the particulars of one business or another. In that sense, it is still relevant not despite its age but because of it. John Brooks’s work is really about human nature, which is why it has stood the test of time.”
Culled from

Friday 19 August 2016

Finding Your Inner Einstein Genius Imagination

Do you know that everyone born to this world was born a genuis?The next time you see a picture of Albert Einstein beat your chest and say thats me.whenever you his picture just believe you are the one that great one.

Actually every human has the characteristics and traits of genuis inbuilt in him.Hence you dont  have  to be a "Mr know it all" by knowing so many subject so as to attain a creative level of thinking.
actually  all you need to have is the habit of imagination.
    This may seem some how difficult but you know practice makes perfect.through constantly practicing your imaginative habits  you will open youself to a new world of possibilities.
    This reccomendation  may be hard for adult s to implement ,due to the fact that adults have accustomed their  imagination for  only one thing WORRING.They dwell on the negative things that may happen or happened to them.Hence they don't understand that worring and anxiety is a waste of their imaginative capabilities.
    Hence their is need for your to  get out of your worries,you imaginative mind was designed for better things than that.(for you to make make the world you are a better place to be).Even if you say you have a low IQ you are still a genuis.
     However you have to start accessing you imaginative  capabilities to solve all  the challenges that may come your way.Immediately you start doing so people around you will notice it and they will start calling you a genuis- as if it was your surname,hence making you and Alpha personality-Some one on top of his game.
 The essence of being a genuis made  Napoleon to say that "imagination rules the world".Do you remember has a child you instinctively use your imagination by wishing some things should happen,then comes the night when asleep you see it coming into reality hence making your dream enjoyable by taking you  to another world where every thing is possible.
So why cant you get back that childish imagination of yours and be a dreamer because when you have a dream it must scertaining come real.

    Einstein used to say "imagination is better than knowledge" hence to get knowledge we must master  the skill of proactively using our imagination hence it is the design stage for creating a better future for our selves.Although it takes confidence and courage but the greatest is to be actively dreaming because i know one day day you will eventualy reach you Goals.

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4 Ways to make your Business ideas Acheiveable

As an By Brenton Hayden
entrepreneurs, our minds are constantly filling with new ideas. Unfortunately for many of us, our concepts rarely make it to the execution stage. Instead, we subconsciously create excuses that stifle our progress and prevent us from fulfilling our plans. Have you ever said “I can’t share my idea, because someone might steal it or think that it’s terrible.” “They might tell me something I don’t want to hear.” “It might be a failure!” “I might feel stupid.” The list goes on and on.
If this sounds familiar, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. Fears and negative internal dialogue are real, and they happen to the best of us. What counts is rising above these mental roadblocks and finding a way to turn those ideas into reality.
The fact is that great ideas demand action. All of the best ventures begin as mere ideas, but they don’t stay in the concept stage. Instead, they’re the result of calculated risk, of taking that leap — even when it would have been easier to go with the flow. Success doesn’t come about through good ideas alone. It’s the result of action — of having the courage to bring an idea to the surface and refine it into gold.
If you’re full of good ideas and ready to take them to the next level, here are some tips that will help you to put those plans into motion.
  1. Don’t fear failure.
“A few people are afraid of good ideas,” writes best-selling author and marketer Seth Godin. “But many people are petrified of bad ideas. Ideas that make us look stupid or waste time or money or create some sort of backlash.”
The only problem with that, though, Godin says, “is that you can’t have good ideas unless you’re willing to generate a lot of bad ones.”
Most entrepreneurs find success only after a series of bad ideas — ones that just didn’t pan out. In order to have good ideas, you have to be willing to take a chance, and let go of the misconception that everything you do has to be an instant success. Free yourself up from the unrealistic expectations, and don’t let the fear of failure control your future.

  1. Refine your idea
So what if people think your idea is terrible? That’s a common fear that plagues us all. But that’s a risk you’ll have to take. The fact is, they might think it’s terrible, and that’s ok. Chances are, it is terrible, at least in its initial, rough draft stages. The first thing that pops into your head is generally not the idea you’ll end up pursuing in the end.
In order to find success, you have to be flexible, and you have to be willing to pivot from your original concept. Don’t cling so tightly to your first draft that you lose focus on the bigger picture — creating a viable plan, one that actually works. Talking to someone will help you get your idea out there, allowing it to be scrutinized and picked apart. Putting your idea out there allows you to refine it into something that’s worth pursuing.

  1. Develop a plan
The difference between ideas that stagnate and ones that get executed comes down to one thing — taking action. According to Scott Belsky, author of Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality, having an action plan is key to turning ideas into reality. In his book, Belsky outlines the system that he uses to get an idea rolling.
First, start by classifying your ideas as a project. This will allow you to push them into action. Next, once you’ve established your project, you can get to work breaking your plan up into their components — what Belsky calls action steps, backburner items and references.

  1. Don’t give up.
While being flexible is important for success, it’s also important that you don’t give up when the going gets tough. This doesn’t mean to plow full steam ahead with an idea that has no merit, but it does mean following through and ensuring that you don’t give up for the wrong reasons. The best ventures often come about only after relentless determination in spite of difficulty. Pushing through moments of doubt and roadblocks and coming out the other side is one of the greatest accomplishments you can have. Set your goals, and then reach them. You’ll be glad that you did.

Finally, and most importantly — act fast. The clock is ticking. Don’t leave those ideas to stagnate at the back of your mind. There are few things worse than a dream that never gets to see the light of day. The longer you wait, the less likely you’ll be to make it happen. Don’t worry about mistakes or think that everything has to be perfect before you act. You’ll be waiting forever otherwise.